The WP Community Collective announces its first recipient of the WPCC Accessibility Fellowship!

The WPCC Accessibility Fellowship funds an accessibility contributor for 5 to 10 hours a week for six months, including travel and board the nearest regional WordCamp. This will be the first WPCC Fellowship.

two heads facing each other with a common thought bubble as if communicating ideas

The WP Community Collective has announced that the first recipient of the WPCC Accessibly fellowship will be offered to Alex Stine. Alex is a long time WordPress contributor, speaker, and all around a fantastic individual.  As a blind individual, Alex has used his position to advance the cause for others in the community. Alex’s goal in the WordPress space is to make sure people with disabilities in the community have equal access to all information and opportunities no matter what. 

“I am excited to have the opportunity to give back to the project that provided me with my start in the technology field. I could not continue to give back at my current capacity without this generous program. I will help ensure WordPress becomes more accessible, and I will fight to have the community as a whole adopt new principles that will ensure accessibility is the first thought, never the last.” 

Quote from Alex Stine courtesy of the WPCC website.

Alex works for the Make Accessibility Team and aims to improve accessibility in WordPress and is a consultant and engineer at Waystar. The Make Accessibility Team works tirelessly to make sure that WordPress is a place for all and you can find out more about them here.

This Fellowship still needs to be funded

The Accessibility Fellowship still needs to be funded so that Alex can take full advantage. This fellowship will be offered to supporting contributors in the future who are helping to make WordPress more accessible to people with disabilities. Therefore, it is important that we don’t stop just with Alex and continue to fund this for the foreseeable future. The more we put into those who want us to have a better WordPress, the better the future of WordPress for all.

Other Projects to fund

The WPCC also seeks donations for their organizing fund and individual memberships as well! You can contribute by going to their site here to see the different fellowships and how to donate. You can also become a member, read their goals, and get more information on the organizers. Also, if your organization is interested in supporting the WPCC via marketing sponsorships, you can email the organization at [email protected].

I am excited to see the WPCC continue to work and strive for a better WordPress community and hope that others join in the effort as well!

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Nyasha is the Editorial Director at MasterWP and a software developer at Howard Development & Consulting, the company behind WP Wallet.

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