Friday, March 10th, 2023, marks the first WordCamp set on the African continent of 2023! WordCamp Entebbe will take place in Entebbe, Uganda at the Uganda Wildlife Education Centre (UWEC). The last one took place in 2019 and was a huge success! Those who go will also get a chance to tour the UWEC for free and learn more about Ugandan wildlife rescue efforts and eco-tourism!
How to get involved:
Right now WC Entebbe 2023 has a call out for speakers and sponsors!
Topics include all things WordPress plus tips/help with design, development, improving careers, growing businesses, and more! The following topics are listed as suggestions, but you can go beyond them if necessary.
There are also 3 different talks you can give: lightning, keynote, and panel which are 10 minutes, 35 minutes, and 55 minutes respectively! Some speakers have already been chosen and you can see a list here.
Sponsors are also needed! There are several different packages that range from booth space to a microsponsor ticket that helps keep the ticket price down. Sponsors are greatly appreciated and help make WordCamps great for all!
How to get tickets
If you are interested in getting tickets, there are still some remaining and they are $10 USD each. Please click here to purchase them on the official website.
WordCamp Entebbe is going to be amazing! If you have further questions they have a contact form available and you can also follow them on twitter as well. We hope to see you there!