An interview with Tacobob

Trey (or Tacobob) is a gamer from Columbia, South Carolina who enjoys reading comic books, cooking, and gaming.  I sat down to talk to him about life, streaming, and the future.  You can watch him stream here.

Nyasha: “So how long have you been streaming and what got you into it?”

Trey: “So I’ve been streaming for two years and been making videos for one, and what got me into content creating was honestly I got tired of seeing my personality, my hard work that I would do working for somebody else, get them paid and get managers raises, but I got nothing at the end. So I said forget all that, it’s time for my personality to get me paid.”

Nyasha: “Awesome! Same question but with video games, what made you get into gaming? And what’s your favorite thing to play right now?”

Trey: “So video games have always been in my family‘s life – hell, we used to pick who did what chores by playing Soul Calibur or Mortal Kombat. In my household in my favorite game right now would have to be Horizon Forbidden West.”

Nyasha: “I love that!  What are the pros and cons of streaming in this day and age?”

Trey: “So when it comes to streaming, I get to reach and have so many amazing conversations with people all over the world – like I have people in Greenland watching my streams and they love me it’s really freaking great. But the exact same way some really amazing people can easily find you, so can buttholes, so being a streamer, being a Black streamer, I always have to stay quick on my toes and ready for the nonsense.”

Nyasha: “What are your streaming goals this year? Do you want to hit a certain number of subs? Play a certain number of games? Or something else specific?”

Trey: “The only goal for this year is just to get a proper streaming computer and set up so I can start bringing my idea streams and videos to life.”

Nyasha: “What’s a really popular game everyone seems to love but you don’t like?”

Trey: “Honestly, I don’t like any of the NBA 2K series and Sims.”

Nyasha: “Not The Sims! I love The Sims!”

Trey: “Haha I don’t judge anyone that plays Sims, but personally I can’t stand that game.”

Nyasha: “Final question, If you could plan the future of gaming, what would it look like to you?”

Trey: “The future for gaming for me would be creating games out of joy and less of demand, because my personal opinion, playing as many games as I have, you can tell the difference between a game that was made by a team who actually enjoys what they do in comparison to a team we where they had to do this because it’s the next game of the year, the release that needs to be made.  Also I would have a ton more hair styles and skin textures for Black and brown people in any game that allows you to customize or create a character.”

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Nyasha is the Editorial Director at MasterWP and a software developer at Howard Development & Consulting, the company behind WP Wallet.

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