Posts by Amber Fritz

A group of diverse people

Web Accessibility 101 Quick Lesson: Continuing Our Journey

Looking for ways to make your WordPress website ADA and WCAG compliant? I hope you were able to join us for our first MasterWP Web Accessibility workshop. There’s so much to learn and so much more that we want to share, so please continue along with us on our journey. Making sure your site is accessible helps make a better web experience for everyone. Stay tuned for more tools and resources coming from HDC and MasterWP!

two rock-em sock-em robots fighting

Web Accessibility 101 Quick Lessons: Buttons vs Links

Looking for ways to make your WordPress website ADA and WCAG compliant? Join us later this month for our Web Accessibility 101 MasterWP workshop. In the meantime, consider the differences between semantic buttons and links, and when to use which, in this week’s Quick Lesson. Making sure your site is accessible helps make a better web experience for everyone.

Web Accessibility 101 Quick Lessons: Alt Text

Looking for ways to make your WordPress website ADA and WCAG compliant? Join us later this month for our Web Accessibility 101 MasterWP workshop. In the meantime, consider some different ways to create great Alternative Text for the media on your website using the guidelines in this week’s Quick Lesson. Making sure your site is accessible helps make a better web experience for everyone.

computer screen with gears and pencil

Web Accessibility 101 Quick Lessons: Headings

Looking for ways to make your WordPress website ADA and WCAG compliant? Join us next month for our Web Accessibility 101 MasterWP workshop. In the meantime, check out this week’s Quick Lesson about Headings. Making sure your site is accessible helps make a better web experience for everyone.

Website Tools

Web Accessibility 101 Quick Lessons: Skip Links

Looking for ways to make your WordPress website ADA and WCAG compliant? Join us next month for our Web Accessibility 101 MasterWP workshop. In the meantime, check out this week’s Quick Lesson to see how you can start making small changes to your website that add up to a better web experience for everyone.

San Diego Sunset and skyline

Choose Your Own San Diego Adventure

Close your eyes and picture this: the sky is clear blue. The sun is shining. The temperature is 74 degrees, and there’s a nice breeze blowing. The ocean is sparkling. The palm trees are swaying. Is this paradise? Close! You’re in San Diego!